Increasingly, American homeowners want more enjoyment and livability from their outdoor spaces. It is about time.

According to a recent survey of its members, the American Society of Landscape Architects (“ASLA”) has identified home owners’ top outdoor living design trends for 2013. At the top of the list are outdoor rooms for entertaining and recreational activities. No surprise here – we have seen this trend over the past decade.

Homeowners want outdoor kitchens …

Secret Gardens of Sydney
and entertainment areas.

Secret Gardens of Sydney
Firepits and fireplaces have also grown in popularity among homeowners, followed by grilling spaces and seating/dining areas.

Lauren Leonard Interiors

Homeowners still want all kinds of water features including fountains, waterfalls, ornamental pools, splash pools, swimming pools and spas. No surprise there, either.

And although patios, decking and fencing have been popular for many years, it appears they are still very much in demand by homeowners.

Secret Gardens of Sydney
Finally, sustainable and low-maintenance gardening is on the rise and becoming more popular every day.

American homeowners are finally demanding reduced or no-mow lawns.

Rob Steiner Gardens
Grow your own vegetable gardens are the trend.

And the demand for drought-tolerant and native plants is at an all time high. With the costs of water increasingly rising, homeowners want water-wise drip irrigation and permeable paving.

Cisterns and other rain-water collection systems are now in vogue.

Kersting Architecture
Perhaps, we are finally moving in the right direction!
