May 1, 2013
International Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day.
To join up, just visit the Facebook page.

Throughout the world, on this day Guerilla Gardeners will step forth in their communities and plant Sunflower seeds “in the hope that they will bring beauty and health to our neighborhoods.” What is this day all about you ask? It’s a day to actively take back our urban and neighborhood streets and beautify them with living plants and flowers. It is about becoming a garden activist and taking action against the urban blight surrounding us.

The Guerilla Gardening movement’s mission is to make our public spaces greener and more beautiful. Started by Richard Reynolds in London in 2004, it quickly spread throughout England, Europe and the World. Now, it has grown into an international horticultural movement to beautify and green up our public spaces.

Guerilla gardening is the term used to describe the unauthorized cultivation of plants or crops on vacant public or private land. It can take place privately or publicly in an effort to engage the community into improving its streets.
Some Guerilla gardeners make seed bombs.

And spread them throughout their urban streetscapes, wherever beautification or greenery is needed … or not.

Won’t you join the movement? This is something we can all benefit from! Just stop by Here, sign up and create an event in your own community! Then go out and identify an empty patch of dirt, traffic island or planter in your community. Cultivate it, plant it and nurture it for the benefit of all!

To purchase wildflower seeds for your area, click on the pic.
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